Sunday, February 5, 2012

Epic Failure

I have not been doing well at creating daily art.  I have been caring for the family with a bout of pink eye (Jack), the flu (Cara), a minor procedure for my husband and the normal daily life stuff. 

I also found out that I am going to get to go to California for the College Art Association's annual conference and I am going to do a show based on our, I'm hoping that will reignite the spark.

Praying for a more productive daily painting week.  Here are some of the creative pursuits that have occupied my time other than my own art.
Half-Time Super Bowl Snacks (there are also chocolate chip cookies and coffee cake muffins in the kitchen)
Jack the Gallant, Knight of the Dining Room Table with his sword, shield and helmet.
Took advantage of the brief snow on the ground and made us a snowman.  Jack was disappointed and wanted to knock him down because he didn't come to life and dance around. I guess I didn't get enough magic dust on the ice cream cone.
Feelin' good but home with Pink Eye=Adventures of Detective Jack a roo
Painting the armor that he doesn't like because it tickles him.  sigh.


  1. You'll get there. You're a busy mama and wife and that's important.

  2. Thanks Mary! It's a difficult balance!
