Monday, January 23, 2012

Oy vey!

Ok, so.  I attempted to do the one stroke per color challenge to slow myself down and also to paint thicker.  It seems if I'm not working in this matter I just go back to my thin painting ways. I started off okay, but then I knew that I was running out of time so I tried to fudge it a little bit, then I got frustrated and angry and now the apple looks like poo.  A big, messy, blocky, poopy, poo. But otherwise I think the painting is okay.


  1. lol, I see evidence of blending here....

    1. Listen here missy...I'll sell it to you for the bargain price of $300, since it has some blending and looks like poo! hahahhahahaha!

      I'm going to camp out in your studio when spring break comes and learn your Jedi thick paint brushwork!
